EarthNode staking
Since the February 2023 snapshot the vault has moved from using 100,000 WMT to ENNFTs for EarthNode staking. This means ENOs need to verify the wallet that holds their ENNFTs in the ‘EarthNode’ section of the vault to earn EN staking rewards.
To earn EN staking rewards you must verify the wallet that holds your ENNFT in the ‘EarthNode’ section of the Vault. Once verified, the Vault will display that it is ‘Active’ meaning that, during the next snapshot, you will start earning EN staking rewards. Please note moving your ENNFTs outside of the wallet that is being used for EN staking will result in losing out on that month's rewards.
After having earned your rewards for staking your ENNFTs you will be able to claim your rewards at any time in the Vault. EN rewards are sent once a month. Please note that removing your wallet both in EN and regular Staking will result in loss of rewards for that period.
What is an ENNFT?Last updated